I had the idea of starting the idea of starting a blog earlier, but it never came into practice. Currently, I am enjoying a lot the blog course from John Sonmez – Simple Programmer, and I would also like to give a new try to this idea.
What should the blog have?
The blog will focus on lightweight approach to software design and software architecture. To be able to try multiple ideas, I would like to create a space for software architecture katas. These would be presented end to end – as an exercise to try new things, receive feedback and extend knowledge. Furthermore, I would like to gather and share excellent applications designs.
Still, this is not new. Why this idea?
Usually, you can easily find how to build applications, including technologies described in detail. I find much harder a place to present concrete software designs in a simple way, presenting why certain technologies or approaches are used. What do you need to have a faster, more secure, more reliable solution? What are the disadvantages if some excellent individual technologies are coupled together?
I hope you would enjoy reading the posts,
Petru Faurescu
4 comments On Why this blog ?
Hi Petru,
It is more to a plataform to share the knowledge (questions, answer, reputation, etc). In other phase of the project, the plataform will handle requests and quotes between users.
Thanks so much!
Hi Petru,
My name is Arturo Méndez from México. I have been reading your articles and they are VERY GOOD.
I would like your opinion about using a NoSQL database vs a relation database for a web application using .net core 2. This web application will be use to share comments between users initially. It will be growing and in some points there will be communication between small business and the web app will be SAAS.
Any comment or feedback is welcome.
Hi Arturo,
Thank you so much for the comment and your general feedback. To better provide an answer, I would need to understand little bit more the requirements. Do you think to something related to forum, or more to a platform to share the knowledge (questions, answers, reputation etc.). Since I’ve received a similar question, I have already started to work an article that might help you too.
Best regards,
Hi Petru,
It is more to a plataform to share the knowledge (questions, answer, reputation, etc). In other phase of the project, the plataform will handle requests and quotes between users.
Thanks so much!