Let’s build a simple WebApi with .NET Core and MongoDb to query the details of different destinations around the globe. We’ll do the search with MongoDb LINQ, running different scenarios.
For a brief introduction on how to build and test a full .NET CORE WebApi with MongoDB please check my earlier article: Using MongoDB .NET Driver with .NET Core WebAPI.
This article continues with 2 other parts:
- Part 2 – Paging in MongoDB – How to actually avoid poor performance ?
- Part 3 – MongoDb and LINQ: How to aggregate and join collections
You could find the project on GitHub: github.com/fpetru/WebApiQueryMongoDb
Within this article I will use two datasets:
- Wikivoyage provides more details of the most traveler friendly museums, attractions, restaurants and hotels around the globe. The original dataset could be access from the next url.
- The second dataset comes from GeoNames, which is a geographical database covering all countries. For demo purposes, I have selected only the cities with a population over 5000 inhabitants.
Using these datasets it would be easier to run some sample queries, retrieving consistent amount of data.
Topics covered
- MongoDb – Installation and security setup
- MongoDB – use mongoimport tool
- Make a full ASP.NET WebApi project, connected async using MongoDB C# Driver v.2
- Run LINQ queries
To install
Here are all the things needed to be installed:
- Visual Studio Community 2017, including .NET Core option
- MongoDB and Robomongo
MongoDB configuration
Once you have installed MongoDB, you would need to configure the access, as well as where the data is located.
To do this, create a file locally, named mongod.cfg. This will include setting path to the data folder for MongoDB server, as well as to the MongoDB log file, initially without any authentication (last 2 lines being commented). Please update these local paths, with your local settings:
systemLog: destination: file path: "C:\\tools\\mongodb\\db\\log\\mongo.log" logAppend: true storage: dbPath: "C:\\tools\\mongodb\\db\\data" #Once the admin user is created, remove the comments, and let the authorization be enabled #security: # authorization: enabled
Run in command prompt next line. This will start the MongoDB server, pointing to the configuration file already created (in case the server is installed in a custom folder, please update first the command)
"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongod.exe" --config C:\Dev\Data.Config\mongod.cfg
Once the server is started (and you could see the details in the log file), run mongo.exe in command prompt. The next step is to add the administrator user to the database. Run MongoDB with the full path (ex: “C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongo.exe”) and copy paste the next code in the console:
use admin db.createUser( { user: "admin", pwd: "abc123!", roles: [ { role: "root", db: "admin" } ] } ); exit;
Stop the server, uncomment the last 2 lines from mongod.cfg file and then restart the MongoDb server.
MongoImport – Initialize the database with large datasets
We will start with Wikivoyage. The dataset was originally available here (link). To be easier to import it, I have slightly transformed it (changed to tab delimited file, and applied a minimum data cleaning). The file is available in Github (link).
The second dataset GeoNames is available in the same Github folder (link).
Running the script import.bat (found in the same folder as the datsets), will do the import of the data, creating also the a new database, called TravelDb and the associated indexes. Script is included here, but it would be better just to run the script file:
mongoimport --db TravelDb ^ --collection WikiVoyage ^ --type tsv ^ --fieldFile enwikivoyage-fields.txt^ --file enwikivoyage-20150901-listings.result.tsv^ --columnsHaveTypes^ --username admin ^ --password abc123! ^ --authenticationDatabase admin ^ --numInsertionWorkers 4 mongoimport --db TravelDb ^ --collection Cities ^ --type tsv ^ --fieldFile cities5000-fields.txt^ --file cities5000.txt ^ --columnsHaveTypes^ --username admin ^ --password abc123! ^ --authenticationDatabase admin ^ --numInsertionWorkers 4
Fields files specifie the field names as well as their associated types. Using the option columnsHaveTypes we make the import with the types we need (e.g. int, double, string etc.).
The result should look like this:
MongoDB – LINQ support
The .NET Core solution included here follows the same structure as in my earlier article – Using MongoDB .NET Driver with .NET Core WebAPI . There, I have already presented a step by step guide on how to create an WebApi solution from scratch, connecting to MongoDB and implementing all the basic actions of a REST API.
In comparison, here, the web controller will implement just one action (GET) – focusing mainly just on running different queries:
[NoCache] [HttpGet] public Task> Get() { return GetTravelItemsInternal(); } private async Task > GetTravelItemsInternal() { return await _travelItemRepository.GetTravelItems(); }
In background, the query runs using LINQ syntax, and it returns first 500 records.
public async Task> GetTravelItems() { try { return await _context.TravelItems.Take(500).ToListAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { // log or manage the exception throw ex; } }
The query is rendered on the server, and we receive just the limited set of data. This is possible since we have IQueryable type interface, provided natively by MongoDB C# Driver.
... using MongoDB.Driver.Linq; ... public IMongoQueryableTravelItems { get { return _database.GetCollection ("WikiVoyage").AsQueryable (); } }
How to find things to do in a specific city
Let’s assume we want to find the interesting things to do in a city. We either show all the items in the city, ordered by the type of action, or just select a specific action (e.g. buy, do, eat, drink etc.).
public async Task> GetTravelItems(string cityName, string action) { try { if (action != null) return await _context.TravelItems .Where(p => p.City == cityName && p.Action == action).ToListAsync(); return await _context.TravelItems.Where(p => p.City == cityName) .OrderBy(p => p.Action) .ToListAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { // log or manage the exception throw ex; } }
This method will be called by a GET function. Assuming that we want to search after interesting things to do in Paris (http://localhost:61612/api/travelquery/Paris?doAction=do) we get interesting results, and one of them is the next:
Running faster the queries
One way to improve the speed of the queries is to apply an index. Searching within the collection after City and Action would recommend to add a simple index with these two fields.
Executing the JavaScript file with mongo shell, will add an index on City, and then Action.
db = db.getSiblingDB('TravelDb'); db.WikiVoyage.createIndex( { City: 1, Action: 1 } );
The speed of retrieval will increase from an average of 0.150 ms to about 0.001 ms.
Group items
What if we would like to see only headlines ? What types of actions are available for a specific city, without getting into details ?
A sample query, grouping by City and Action fields would be:
await _context.TravelItems .GroupBy(grp => new { grp.City, grp.Action }) .Select(g => new { g.Key.City, g.Key.Action }).ToListAsync();
To continue
I would create a second part of this article, adding pagination support as well as aggregation enhancements brought by newer MongoDB versions, taking into consideration also the second dataset. Perhaps you knew these, maybe you learned a few things. Would you like to see something more covered ?
10 comments On How to search good places to travel (MongoDb LINQ & .NET Core)
Good Morning. Thanks for the great content.
You can offer dynamic queries (similar to OData or GraphQL). No need to create specific methods for each type of search done by the API user?
Hi Silvair,
In short, yes, these could be alternatives to REST, but I have not tried them yet.
Yes, GraphQL could be an alternative to REST endpoints for handling queries and database updates, and instead of defining the structure of responses on the server, the client will be given the flexibility to define what it wants in response to its queries.
OData has a native support in .NET Core. An OData endpoint could be seen as a SQL connection string over HTTP, giving the right to query, filter or sort data.
Giving more power to the clients, provides more flexibility, and brings also high risks. It becomes easy to create very complex queries on the client side, and the servers must be ready to handle them properly, scaling accordingly. While dynamic queries on the client side may seem as an optimization, it it important to find the particular use cases which would benefit from using them.
Kind regards,
Hi Petru,
Great article, thanks.
How to join multiple collections by LINQ in your TravelQueryRepository.cs? Can you show us a sample?
Hi Sari,
Yes, I will add a sample soon.
Kind regards,
Great article..! Looking forward to Part 2..
Thanks for reading it. I will publish the new part soon.
Kind regards
I have published also Part 2. I hope you will enjoy reading it.
Kind regards
Waiting for 2 part..
Thanks for reading it. I would have an update later next week.
Kind regards
Please check the new update at https://qappdesign.com/code/paging-mongodb-avoid-poor-performance/.